Where are innovators?
There was a sizeable crowd gathered in a temple to attend the festival. The wireless mic surprised me during the priest’s talk when everyone was praying and chanting. I was deeply looking at the mic (microphone). It stopped working after a certain distance. That priest scolded the service operator and took the wired mic instead. He was covering the total distance with the wired mic while instructing people not to rush.
Later I found a television remote operating with a suitable distance so I tried to focus the IR light towards the roof and it worked. But I never wondered of FM radio, which was in my home even before my birth. I did not pay much attention to that as I took it for granted. The things what surprised me are new, and I have seen the change happening during my time that solved the essential problems of the modern world.
That was the story during the late 90s but now (at the time of writing this blog) I could see 2 out of 10 people (guessing by seeing) having wearable devices, the wireless chargers and many other gadgets are available even in the low-cost market.
Are we respecting these innovators? We know who invented the electric bulb and the computer from our textbooks. But do we recognise the efforts of the inventor of Bluetooth, wireless drone, or at least wireless mouse? These products are all marketed quickly with top competition among companies to gain patents and sue against another company. Entrepreneur shadows are burying the efforts of inventors and innovators. Most people are not free to think. Here, gigantic businesses are exploiting the creators and making profits out of it. The businessman decides the target and deadline for someone’s thinking. Parents should seed innovation thoughts in the kid’s mind from the core, not during the crop. Please refrain from asking children to follow a system. We cared about only the cost of the product, not the value. Following the other person’s success formula is not the right way to groom children.
A foremost step is to identify the problem. Ask yourself; why I want to be like someone, how can I succeed with the man inside me.
A lot of time problems have been given to you and finding the solution is easy as we are taught to bring the solution with the existing pattern. The regular teaching method is educating us to bring the solution, but not helping us to identify our own problem. I see a lot of educated people struggling to handle life after marriage. It’s because no one taught how to handle a new relationship. Perhaps it is not practical to foresee it.
Think and act on one goal at a time produces a significant result. I am not going against parallelism, but too much multitasking kills productivity unless you don’t practice to it.
A mentor shared with me a statement that “if you wish to innovate first, build it for you”.
You could get many pre-defined solutions that suited better for your need, but what’s the enormous deal to cook your own food. Solve your issue by yourself rather than blaming others or expecting a solution from someone else.
I like the trend DIY. I see a few of my sisters decorated their homes with their own products like a pen stand, pillow cover, embroidered towel. We could easily ignore these ideas by saying what is the use of it. But sometimes another side of the same habit saves us. My mom prepares papadam, dehydrated brinjal during summer and that serves us the superb meal even in the rainy season. That the starting point of innovation zone, we enter.
Do something yourself, if you are crazy about innovation.