Probably it is everywhere
Yeah, that’s seen everywhere. Product of problem-free life means we already lived with it. We feel discomfort with wearing a helmet for the first few days. Later it would be a habit and we forgot the discomforting sense.
You already tired or worried to face continuous problem but it never moves away on its own until you win. Failure diminishes the energy for unidentified solutions.
Retrospect the failures to identify the cause may resonate with new thoughts in handling other problems. We accepted Human errors as a learning process. Remarkable achievement built of individual learning from failures and problem.
Problems are like T shirt sized. There are small, medium, large, extra-large or even tailor-made. Wearing a problem is a way to grow, if you don’t wear it then you are not utilized. One must be awarded to choose the right problem, or smart enough to break the problem into small. If you are wearing extra-large when your size is small. It covers you completely then seeing light is not easy as wearing the problem.
Taking the right problem is an art. Priority, knowledge, visibility everything matters. When I was in schooling, I loved to solve SU-DO-KU from the newspaper. I was able to solve without any support for continuous few days. Unfortunately, I lost my interest one day, after spending so many hours of my weekend. My love became frustrated, as I had picked the SU-DO-KU problem without seeing the criticality level.
Thereafter I never regained my interest to try it again. Build better vicinity to choose the right thing for you. If you don’t have that knowledge, ask people support around you to choose the right size for you. Again choosing perfect people may be another problem. It is deep-rooted, that’s why it is everywhere.
Keep hope at a certain level to believe and accept others words. It is again trial and error to catch your best fit adviser. There is always a good person waiting for you to suggest in front of the trial room. So believe others suggestions and move forward, after all, we are all social animal.
My SU-DO-KU experience has been recently recollected on reading the book “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
There are problems across all level. It may personal, community, between countries or comets are heading to Earth. Try hard to break it or there is always another solution. I remember reading a statement from the Indian health Ministry about the Covid19 pandemic. That “We have to learn to live with coronavirus”
The word Problems are directly proportional to opportunity. Millennium Y2K problem was seen as an opportunity for many Indian IT companies.
This is the mantra to maintain long-standing marriage life in India. Married people in India who have not even applied once for divorce, might have told them-self this statement at-least once in a life.